Energy Enhancement Manual
Your energy is the resource behind all value, commitments, and contributions you make in this life.
Everything you do, comes from where you put your energy.
So -- it only makes sense to enhance the quality of the energy.
A higher octane fuel means a better, cleaner, sharper, leaner running engine.
The same goes for your mind, body, and expressions.
An investment in building the quality of your energy, is an investment in enhancing the quality of everything else.
That is what this manual aims to do.
This manual features a comprehensive starting arrangement from lacking any energetic awareness/abilities to basic techniques to start building awareness so you may build by yourself the skill to enhance your "energy".
It is a skill, therefore it must be trained, over time.
This manual includes:
-Blockage Clearing/Energy Awareness Building Techniques using elemental/crystal items
-Mind Building Techniques to Increase Energy Awareness
-Basic Visualization Practices to Start Facilitating Mind Body Connection for Energy Motility
-Physical/Mental Clearing Exercises to Approach Clearing Blockages Using Mind
-Bodily Energy Sensing Techniques
-Basic Knowledge on Energy Facilitation Anatomy/Physiology (Symptoms and Correspondence to Energy Issues/Blockages)
-Basic Quick Rituals to Facilitate Energy Flow in Body (For Quick Results to Heighten Energy)
Energy Enhancement Manual + Any additional resources